btc college in meerut
btc college in meerut

Anti Ragging Committee

Anti Ragging Squad

The following members are nominated to the Anti ragging Squad to maintain discipline of Institute:

S.NO Name of Member Department Designation Contact No.
1 Mr. Varun Kaushik CSE Chief Proctor 9312676152
2 Mr. Davendra Yadav Polytechnic Proctor 9897186955
3 Mr. Varun Kaushik CSE Proctor 8755173700
4 Mr. Mohit Kumar Mechanical Engineering Proctor 9759768802
5 Mrs. Manisha Srivastava MBA Proctor 9415181423
6 K. M. Babar Applied Science Proctor 9639302173
8 Mrs. Abha Sharma MBA Proctor 9897625640

Functions & Responsibilities:

  • Framing and revising the curriculum of every academic program of the college (As per norms).
  • Arranging teaching requirements for completing academic programs.
  • Making arrangements for conducting examinations, as required.
  • Recommending the Governing Council for conferment of degrees and other academic titles.
  • Supervising the functioning of the Central Library of the college.
  • Promoting research activity within the college.
  • Collaborating with other academic institutes and industry.
  • Creating a conducive environment in order to develop entrepreneurship.
  • Ensuring discipline amongst the students.
  • Facilitating and supervising the co-curricular activities for the students.
  • Encouraging students with awards, stipends, scholarships, medals and prizes.
  • Guiding students to utilize the placement and training activities for their career enhancement.